

(English) Magento Fishpig Attribute Splash Pages and Delete Splash Group

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(English) Magento Fishpig Attribute Splash Pages and Flat Catalog

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(English) Magento module Easy Topsellers (FREE) and Flat Catalog

Din păcate acest articol este disponibil doar în English.…

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De ce sa-mi externalizez serviciile IT?

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Realizare website de prezentare

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Avantajele detinerii unui magazin online


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(English) Grid site with dynamic worker nodes (on Scientific Linux 5)


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mod_auth_mysql with AES encryption (on Fedora 14 x64)

I needed to restrict access to my local development server after discovering Google had indexed a website still in development without being asked to index it. I can’t imagine how it knew about my site, unless it queried the dns …

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“Enable Cookies” Problem

There are times when this might happen, and Magento won’t let you add to cart or login to the admin. Generally speaking, this is caused by a mismatch between your client pc and the server date/time settings. You should check …

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