

Sorry, this entry is only available in Română.

Magento Fishpig Attribute Splash Pages and Delete Splash Group

I have just discovered that there’s missing function for deleting the splash group. If you try to delete a group, you will get a controller page not found error. To fix this just add this function to the group controller, …

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Magento Fishpig Attribute Splash Pages and Flat Catalog

UPDATE: The file needing modifying is app/code/community/Fishpig/AttributeSplash/Model/Mysql4/Page.php.

It would seem the flat catalog problem keeps rearing it’s ugly head in many Magento extensions. In this case the fix is quite simple. Replace the getProductCollection(), with the modified version below:

I …

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Magento module Easy Topsellers (FREE) and Flat Catalog

For anyone experiencing problems using the Easy Topsellers module in combination with the Flat Catalog, simply rewrite the _beforeToHtml() function as follows:

This function resides in app/code/community/Magazento/Easytopsell/Block/Home.php.

I would appreciate your feedback.

Good luck,

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(Română) De ce sa-mi externalizez serviciile IT?

I: Ce inseamna un serviciu externalizat?
R: Reprezinta acel serviciu de care o firma are nevoie, dar pe care nu doreste sa si-l asigure cu resurse umane proprii.

I: De ce sa-mi externalizez serviciile IT?
R: In general firmele mici …

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(Română) Realizare website de prezentare

Un site de prezentare bine realizat reprezinta cea mai usoara modalitate de a va face cunoscuti in mediul online, fara a fi nevoiti sa faceti o investitie majora.

Din ce in ce mai multi utilizatori cauta pe internet firme furnizoare …

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(Română) Avantajele detinerii unui magazin online

Va propuneti deschiderea unui magazin online si doriti sa aflati care sunt avantajele acestuia?
Regasiti in randurile de mai jos, cele mai importante atuuri ale unui magazin online:

  • Spre deosebire de magazinele clasice, un magazin online nu se inchide niciodata.

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Grid site with dynamic worker nodes (on Scientific Linux 5)

Because we had a lot of worker node upgrades and new entries we needed a system that can bypass the installation of each worker node and also we wanted to upgrade in one go all of the existing worker nodes.…

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mod_auth_mysql with AES encryption (on Fedora 14 x64)

I needed to restrict access to my local development server after discovering Google had indexed a website still in development without being asked to index it. I can’t imagine how it knew about my site, unless it queried the dns …

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“Enable Cookies” Problem

There are times when this might happen, and Magento won’t let you add to cart or login to the admin. Generally speaking, this is caused by a mismatch between your client pc and the server date/time settings. You should check …

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