

Xtreme-Vision – Remarketing

Suppose you want to give somebody a second chance to look at your products or services by showing advertisements only to peple that browsed your webstore. With online marketing, this is possible and the method is known as as either Remarketing or Retargeting.

Remarketing benefits

Remarketing campaigns tend to be highly efficient and very profitable, capturing sales that may have been lost without the remarketing effort.

Remarketing is an ad targeting strategy that places a cookie on the computer of a potential customer that has browsed your website. These visitors are then served ads for your products and services through the top ad-serve networks (e.g. Google Display Network) . The prospect that may have been unsure about a purchase is then presented with the opportunity to reconsider their decision and perhaps be persuaded to return to your site if you give them a reason to come back.

Google Display Network Remarketing Lowers Overall Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)

CPA for ‘abandoned shopping cart’ list is 22% lower than average AdWords account CPA;

CPA for ‘purchasers’ list is 65% lower than AdWords account average CPA.


By using the pay-per-click system, remarketing campaigns can be extremely efficient in terms of return on investment. The consumers that view remarketing campaign ads have previously shown an interest in your business. This makes remarketing a must-have for online marketing campaigns that seek the increased engagement with their customers that captures those conversions usually missed.

Past site visitors are more likely to convert – remarketing list members convert at about twice the rate of regular traffic.

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