We are extremely satisfied from our collaboration with Xtreme Vision Systems because of the professionalism they showed in rezolving the software projects we asked them to work on.
Their attention to the client's needs and the search for the best IT solutions are the qualities the convinced us right from the start. With the help of secure remote connections, they succeeded in rezolving all the tasks assigned to them in record time.
Choosing to outsource with Xtreme Vision Systems was the right solution.
Catalin Maftei
We asked Xtreme Vision Systems to create an eCommerce site for us. I am extremely satisfied with the solution I was offered, as it is highly flexible and and easily updated. The site's design is also a success.
I will recommend Xtreme Vision to all my friends!
Mihnea Mihalache
We found Xtreme Vision following two previous experiences by unprofessional people that were incapable of finalizing our online store. The guys at Xtreme Vision were professionla, respecting the terms and giving us suggestions and solutions that led to the launch of our online store, exactly how we imagined it.
Valentin Nicolau

Sa te ocupi de vanzari online fara sa sti mai nimic despre asa ceva este dezastru, dar si mai rau este sa dai de o firma care de fapt indrumarile lor nu fac decat sa iti ia bani si sa te faca dependenti de ei pe sume foarte mari, asta este si mai rau.
Am avut noroc si am cunoscut echipa de la Xtreme Vision Systems, pe Mike si colegi lui, sfaturi la obiect, expeditivi, creativi, si nu in ultimul rand foarte priceputi, daca se intampla sa mai intarzie (la toata lumea se mai intampla) - au sa se recompenseze .
Ii poti deranja oricand si au sa-ti raspunda, ii recomand cu caldura pentru priceputi si nepriceputi.
To deal with e-commerce/online sales without knowing anything about it is a disaster, but even worse is to find a company who's advise/guidance does nothing but to cost you lots of money and make you dependent on them.
We had the good fortune in meeting the Xtreme Vision Systems team, specifically Mike and his colleagues, who offered us advice straight to the point, a quick service, creative, and last but not least extremely knowledgeable. If they happen to deliver a little late (it happens to all us) - they will compensate you.
You can reach them at any time and they will answer, I highly recommend them to novices and experienced users alike.
Marius Glufcios
Seed Cannabis Bank
Partenerii nostri mi-au recomandat echipa de la Xtreme Vision Systems.Am colaborat la 2 proiecte online. Sunt profesionisti, receptivi – stil occidental.Iti explica toate amanuntele, ca sa alegi tot ce-i mai bun si convenabil!
Suntem multumiti de echipa Xtreme Vision Systems si continuam sa colaboram si la alte proiecte.
Le vom recomanda partenerilor nostri - un partener de incredere: Xtreme Vision Systems!
Andrei Potlog